Our Staff – Hands
Our Staff

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:20

Pastor Gregg Kohlhepp

My childhood allowed me to bond with other Christians and faith-seekers along with strengthening my own relationship with Jesus Christ. After high school, I attended Penn State, graduating with a degree in Communications. My passion for youth, led me to teach at Bellefonte High School for seventeen years

In November of 2014, my wife and I found Jesus actively present in our lives as he saved our unborn child at 12 weeks and protected her for the next six months. On May 28, Alayna was born, and our lives were set upon a new adventurous course

So, in the stillness of conversing with God, in the work of serving others, and in the beauty of chasing two children from one adventure to another, I am thrilled to prayerfully take another step in this precious journey, growing in faith and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with you and with the world around us.

Rose Park

Children’s Director

A member of PFVUMC since 1972, Rose has served as the Children’s Director for more than 30 years. Recruiting, organizing, coordinating, and making our church a better place.

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